Krill Meal -1kg


SKU: krillmeal Category:

Krill Meal has a strong pungent aroma and a pink/orange colour, with a protein content of 60% plus, and a high essential amino acid and Omega 3 content. The texture that is obtained from including Krill meal in to baits aids higher leakage of attractors in to the water.

• Protein content: 55-60%
• Fat content: 18-29%
• Moisture content: 4-8%
• Ash content: <13%

Krill Meal has a strong pungent aroma and a pink/orange colour, with a protein content of 60% plus, and a high essential amino acid and Omega 3 content. The texture that is obtained from including Krill meal in to baits aids higher leakage of attractors in to the water.

• Protein content: 55-60%
• Fat content: 18-29%
• Moisture content: 4-8%
• Ash content: <13%