Year Round Edge – Garry Carlton

Published by on January 26, 2020

Year Round Edge – Garry Carlton

I really don’t overcomplicate by baiting approach. As I’ve said previously, I generally just stick to a boilie only approach. I do like to dose up the freebies with the RG liquid foods and for this I like to use the Trakker pureflo bucket system.

Put a couple of kilos of your chosen boilie into the pureflo, pour the liquid food over the baits until they are all nicely coated, then add lake water to the bucket, just covering the baits in the bottom of the pureflo. Shake them up and leave them to soak for an hour or two. Once you are ready to use, pull the inner pureflo out of the bucket and allow the liquid to drains through to the bucket below it can be recycled and poured over your next lot of  bait. Jobs a good un!