Lord of the Manor – Arron Fisher

Published by on August 22, 2024

Lord of the Manor – Arron Fisher

Having seen this colossus fish on social media in other peoples arms, we never thought we would never see the day that it actually appears on the RG Baits pages. Well a new face and friend of to the company, Arron Fisher has delivered the goods in style.
Having received the magical phone call off Arron saying he had a 60lbs fully scaled in the net, the buzz was real!
“After years of carp fishing words fail me to describe the feeling of seeing a British sixty (61.06lbs) roll over the cord this morning. The newly released ‘Red Sea Squid’ was its downfall.”
“I have seen so many photos of this fish but to see it in the flesh is another level. A huge thank you to Justin of JC Fisheries and Jack Bazeley for all the help and photos plus the gents who came to celebrate with me.”
Arron used an all out ‘Red Sea Squid’ approach, baiting up with boilie crumb and pellet to his chosen spot, presenting a match the hatch popup over the top.
We would like to finish off by saying a huge congratulations to Mr Fisher on what is one of the countries biggest and best!